Popliteal fossa
Arteries of the foot
Aa digitales plantares propriae
Aa. digitales plantares communes
Aa metatarsales plantares
A. plantaris profunda (A. dorsalis pedis)
A plantaris lateralis
R superficialis
R. profundus
---------A. plantaris medialis
Arcus plantaris profundus
A. tibialis posterior
Fig. 1417
Arteries of the sole of foot,
Fig. 1418 a-d
Variations in the arterial supply of the sole of
foot, Planta.
a Dorsalis pedis artery, A. dorsalis pedis, as major supply for
the deep plantar arch, Arcus plantaris profundus
b Posterior tibial artery, A. tibialis posterior, as major supply
for the deep plantar arch, Arcus plantaris profundus
The fifth toe and lateral parts of the fourth toe are supplied by
the posterior tibial artery, A. tibialis posterior, whereas the
remaining medially located toes receive their arterial supply
through the dorsalis pedis artery, A. dorsalis pedis,
d The fifth and fourth toe as well as lateral parts of the third
toe are supplied by the posterior tibial artery, A. tibialis
posterior, whereas all remaining medially located toes
receive their arterial supply through the dorsalis pedis
artery, A. dorsalis pedis.
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